Freemasonry: The Naked Truth

for future candidates and curious others

To easily understand everything about Freemasonry


- At last a book which gives clear answers to all your questions on Freemasonry. 

- 292 pages of useful Questions and Answers, to help you prepare a well-structured application.

- List of Masonic Obediences to contact.

- Sayings and Don'ts. MUST READ.

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The Questions One Usually Forgets To Ask

When they first meet a Freemason, most candidates are shy. They don’t dare to ask too many questions, since Freemasonry has an aura of power for them. But there are several points that should be cleared up in order to have a better understanding of the Lodge which you are perhaps going to join for a long time. Here are the questions that need an answer:

1. How long has your contact person (the person you are talking to) been a Mason?

2. What have they got out of being a Mason in their everyday life?

3. What are the positive points of Freemasonry for them?

4. What do they see as its shortcomings?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of their own Lodge?

6. And the same question concerning their Grand Lodge (the governing body of all the Lodges in the Obedience)

7. What do they think about the number of people who join Freemasonry in order to further their own careers?

8. What does the concept of Fraternity involve for your contact?

9. What does he or she expect of an Apprentice Freemason?

And seize the opportunity at the end of the interview to ask them if they consider you to be a potential recruit. This is also the right moment during your exchange to clarify any possible points of misunderstanding.